I dedicate this post to All those who are staying away from family and especially for those who are {Single} Studying, working, Studying and Working.
The recent few days I happen to meet a number of friends who have been staying away from family.To stay in a new place with totally new strange people and share room with them and live Sharing and caring. Adjust to the totally annoying food system, sleeping routine, new teachers/Boss/ co-workers. Especially those who do a part time Job and do their studies..It really is a tough time for them. And those who do not like the new place and are very irritated with the Culture there. And most of all the Boys easily get adjusted, they are very understanding and adopt quickly and infact they are amiable and quicker in realizing the FACT than girls/us! Some Girls – may be a little not so co-operative. They generally expect things/people to be the way they want it to be –some say it’s the best for them. Some are my class friends, I had been with them for the times they really missed Mom or Dad.
And I could not compensate, but just let them know am there no matter what. I remember my very egoistic friend from the north, She would never expose that she is Hurt or even Sad in the early days of college. I remember the occasion when she had lost her Lab shoe and was crying….We are just a handful of girls in our class and we were all just friends. Not too close. We tried to console her, but our sweety started yelling at all of us “ Its lost ..ok! And I donno where I lost it! It was just here when we all left to the canteen….What do I do? Where do I look for?” Unlike for us, her Dad got her the most expensive Leather shoes for he knew she will be feeling lonely and has to stay away from them. It was just a Shoe but some one got it for her with lot of love and she wouldn’t feel too good to lose it the same week. But then we told her it was ok…We could get some shoe for the lab – A cheap one and did get her one for 150Rs. It was some strange shop at T.Nagar we found for her and she wasn’t standing outside the Workshop(Thats the Punishment if u dont wear The shoes and come ) the next week. Her yelling really annoyed all of us! It is obvious isn’t it? When we are trying to help her out she starts yelling…Then who would be there around?? And It was that day I saw her eyes, Totally lost- helpless, insecure feeling and lot of frustration…It was then I decided to move close to this lady.And now we are great friends and she shares all her feeling with me and another girl. We 3 have a very good chemistry. When ever I see her feel homesick I just won’t know how I could handle something like that…I just cant bear Imagining.We had always been very cautious not to let her think too much about home. That’s the best we 2 could do.And the problem with our lady is She is very Arrogant (Sorry dear!), Non co-operative, adamant, Sometime very Rude too.
There was one occasion when she got so furious for one of the staff making a comment about her Notes…And it was that day we had to tell her…” Not every one is family or even understanding. You have moved away from home to a new place where people are different and culture too. What is so cool in the North may not be really acceptable in the south. And there is no one to complain. If things do not happen the way you want them to be then just let things go in its way and just watch. Because sometimes when things go out of hand it is better to observe where it really is taking us. And later to find that this way was also not that bad it would be a new experience.” And now she is more matured and a very little bit adjustable and is growing polite too. She is very different now. And we ourselves cannot believe this is that person who yelled at us for HER losing HER shoes.
And in the recent days there seem to be a lot of Girls talk between the three of us. May be not exactly..am just a listener and once in a while I tease and pull my friends back to Reality..Donno what has got into these girls suddenly .........so much of Girls talk…SO MUCH! And at times I really had to search for my Friends inside them , they totally get lost and I see just two teenage girls going crazy over JUNKS. In the recent day they find it fun provoking me by teasing me with every guy who comes up and talk to me. Mostly it would be my classmates who are not very friendly to the other girls. All these are tolerable, but when there is any guy standing outside in the corridor just looking inside the class or some at us and when ever they ask…”Marudhu, look there! Interested?? “ And Er… What are they asking- ” Not my Type dear! Now shut up and back to the Bio-medical instruments!! This patient almost died in your note…Look u have locked him in the Chamber and blew up his lung!!” And it’s this period they have the utmost fun. The bio-medical hour. This teacher is very friendly with me and for anything she would ask my note. And every time she comes down to my note my heart beat goes rapid fast for only I know what funny things these 2 had done in my note during the lecture. Will soon scan some of my class notes where my 2 Naughty friends have practiced their Cartoon art in some of the Specimens under study!! FUNNY DOGS!! (Er.....Am picking up this slang after watching KHNH-Stop it marudhu! Stop !)
We have got a beautifull lawn in our campus and at times we go to the park in the central college. And there we have an entirely different FUN time, which I would share with you all real soon. Now am in the study hols for the Semester exams, and I have already started missing my 2 funny dogs and other friends, Batch mates, class room funs, Canteen chats, Long walks we have had….. :( MISS'em. Just an year left
#Ok...Getting back to the dedication part,
So I very well know the hardships in staying away from home, family, Not that I have undergone all that but that I literally am stuck with my family so I really know how it would be to stay away. I have hardly been away from them except for the times I had been to My Aunts(Chithi’s) place @ mysore. I would start crying the moment I get to think about home. Those of you staying away from family,
GREAT GOING PPL!! This post is specially dedicated to you guys!!
PS: I saw KHNH very recently. Great Movie.I myself am too late, If you have not seen it yet - Do see! A great Work from the Chopra's! The Pic on top is from one of the scenes i liked. The movie was so Good & touching that in 3 different scenes i went crying even without my Notice...And to realize am in Tears! I Felt" Damn! Its just a movie...Y cry! Calm down "